
22 October 2024

  • Egypt is certified malaria-free by WHO
    20 October 2024

    A total of 44 countries and 1 territory have reached the malaria-free milestone

    20 October 2024 Geneva Cairo The World Health Organization (WHO) has certified Egypt as ‘malaria-free’, marking a significant public health milestone for a country with more than 100 million inhabitants. The achievement follows a nearly 100-year effort by the Egyptian government and people to end a disease that has been present in the country since ancient times.

    “Malaria is as old as Egyptian civilization itself, but the disease that plagued pharaohs now belongs to its history and not its future,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “This certification of Egypt as malaria-free is truly historic, and a testament to the commitment of the people and government of Egypt to rid themselves of this ancient scourge. I congratulate Egypt on this achievement, which is an inspiration to other countries in the region, and shows what’s possible with the right resources and the right tools.”

    Egypt is the third country to be awarded a malaria-free certification in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region following United Arab Emirates and Morocco, and the first since 2010. Globally, a total of 44 countries and 1 territory have reached this milestone.

    “Receiving the malaria elimination certificate today is not the end of the journey but the beginning of a new phase. We must now work tirelessly and vigilantly to sustain our achievement through maintaining the highest standards


  • WHO secures an additional US$ 18 million in partner funding
    17 October 2024

    17 October 2024, Doha, Qatar – WHO has secured an additional US$ 18 million in funding commitments from key partners, to complement US$ 18 million already in the pipeline. The pledges, by ATscale – Global Partnership for Assistive Technology and the Hamdard Foundation, and the pledge by the Islamic Development Bank earmarking the Health Impact Investment Platform, highlight growing global support for the WHO’s critical mandate.

    The pledges, announced at a special event during the Seventy-first session of the Regional Committee meeting in Doha, bring total funding commitments to the Eastern Mediterranean Region to US$ 93 million, reflecting recognition of WHO’s work and its fundamental role in improving health outcomes across the Region.

    WHO’s work in the Region contributes to achieving the global target of saving over 40 million additional lives in the next 4 years. With predictable and sustainable financing, by 2028 WHO anticipates aims to extend access to universal health coverage to an additional 60.4 million people, save up to 215 000 lives through targeted maternal and child health interventions across priority countries, and halt endemic transmission of polio everywhere in the Region.

    During the event, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Hanan Balkhy underlined how “flexible and predictable financing for our core work over the next 4 years is essential for us to deliver the best possible health results”.

    “In our Region, emergencies continue to make huge demands, and we also need to redouble efforts


  • RC71 concludes in Doha
    17 October 2024

    17 October 2024, Doha, Qatar – The Seventy-first session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (RC71), held under the theme Health Beyond Borders, concluded today in Qatar.

    Following 4 days of intense discussions and the exchange of views and experiences between ministers of health and representatives of Member States, partner organizations and WHO experts, RC71 adopted a series of resolutions that aim to translate words into concrete policies and actions.

    “I would like to thank Qatar for their generous hospitality and excellent organization,” said Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Hanan Balkhy.

    “I also thank their Excellencies the ministers of health, heads of delegations and delegates for their dedication, wisdom and knowledge. We have enjoyed exceptionally rich and productive discussions throughout the past 4 days. Our meetings were a great opportunity to remind ourselves of what we can do.”

    Held from 14 to 17 October 2024, RC71 convened as the Region is facing an unprecedented series of emergencies. The 12-month war in Gaza, conflicts in Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen and prolonged crises in Afghanistan, Somalia and other countries claim precious lives every minute.

    Against this disturbing backdrop, the Region was able to make substantial gains, not least in communicable disease control. Gulf countries expanded their healthy cities programmes, Egypt consolidated its position as a world leader in hepatitis C elimination and has gone on to eliminate malaria, Jordan became the first country to eliminate leprosy and Pakistan eliminated trachoma.

    Among other standout stories, the Islamic Republic


  • The Statement of the Regional Director Dr Hanan Balkhy for the post RC 71 press conference
    17 October 2024

    17 October 2024

    Doha, Qatar

    Your Excellencies,

    Media colleagues,

    Distinguished guests,

    I would like to welcome you to this press conference.

    We have just concluded the 71st session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, which was held from 14 to 17 October 2024, and hosted by the State of Qatar.

    Before I start, I would like to thank Qatar for their generous hospitality and excellent organization.

    I also thank their Excellencies the ministers of health, heads of delegations and delegates for their dedication, wisdom and knowledge. We have enjoyed exceptionally rich and productive discussions throughout the past four days.

    The Regional Committee session was held against the backdrop of emergencies that unfortunately affect half of the countries of the Region. We are all acutely aware that precious lives are being lost every minute.

    From the 12-month war in the Gaza Strip to conflicts in Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen and prolonged crises in Afghanistan, Somalia and other countries – our Region is facing unimaginable and unacceptable tragedy and suffering.

    The theme of the session, “Health Beyond Borders”, reflected the strong commitment of all our Member States to work together to ensure that every single person in the Region can enjoy their fundamental human rights to life and health – no matter their location, nationality, economic or social affiliation.

    The Regional Committee is WHO’s main governing body


  • Regional Director’s special event on the Investment Round, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha
    17 October 2024

    Wednesday, 16 October 2024

    Thank you for joining us for this special event.

    Today we stand at a critical juncture.

    The next six years will determine whether we succeed in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 3 on good health and well-being – in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and globally.

    The WHO Investment Round aims to make sure that WHO is optimally placed to support Member States and partners to achieve our shared goals.

    As the global Investment Case highlights, every dollar invested in WHO generates 35 dollars in returns.

    That is a very smart investment. It could help save an additional 40 million lives and enable billions of people to live healthy lives, safe from harm and with access to the health services they need.

    Flexible and predictable financing for our core work for the next four years is essential for us to deliver the best possible health results.

    In our Region, emergencies continue to make huge demands, and we also need to redouble efforts to eradicate polio. We thank our Member States and partners for the generous support that you have provided so far, but we need even more.

    We must keep on raising resources to ensure that we can fulfil our life-saving mission. Sustainable financing will allow us to meet immediate demands while also advancing the long-term health agenda.

    Our core work, financed through WHO’s base budget, includes work across all our priorities. The base


  • Introduction of the annual report and the Regional Director’s vision
    15 October 2024

    Your Excellencies Ministers of Health and Heads of Delegations,

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is my honour and pleasure to present my report on WHO’s work in the Region to you today.

    The annual report publication that was shared with you provides extensive information about WHO’s activities and achievements during 2023.

    It testifies to the hard work, dedication and tenacity of my revered predecessor, Dr Ahmed

    Al-Mandhari, and the fabulous team that I have inherited from him.

    I commend the report to you.

    In my speech today, I would like to focus on where we are now – and where we are going.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The past nine months have been an astonishing journey for me.

    I am from this Region and I have always had a strong connection to it.

    But I have come to know it so much better since I became WHO Regional Director.

    And I love it so much more.

    I have already visited 11 Member States and I am looking forward to visiting and meeting people in every remaining country – starting with Djibouti very soon.

    Let me share what I have learned so far.

    Inevitably, I have seen more heartbreak than I thought possible.

    When I took office, my colleagues, family and friends congratulated me, but also warned me that I would have to face some harsh realities.

    They were so right.

    I still remember the shock I felt during my first visit to Sudan.

    I met exhausted health workers struggling to save lives without basic supplies.

    Anxious mothers with malnourished


  • Opening remarks by Dr Hanan Balkhy during the launch of the Sport for Health report “Changing ...
    15 October 2024

    Your Excellency Dr Hanan Al-Kuwari,

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    I am very pleased to join this launch of the report “Changing the game: strengthening health and well-being through sports events”.

    The report is one fruit of the partnership between the State of Qatar, WHO and FIFA which aimed to create a lasting legacy out of Qatar’s hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. It reflects our shared commitment to leveraging the power of sport to enhance public health.

    Sport brings people together and goes hand in hand with health, helping people all over the world – people of different abilities and ages – live happier, healthier and more productive lives.

    I would like to congratulate Qatar for its pioneering role in hosting a major sporting event and using that opportunity to showcase how sports can drive positive health outcomes.

    The 2022 World Cup was held during peak season for respiratory disease transmission and was the first major sporting event to be held during a global pandemic. Against this challenging backdrop, the Healthy 2022 World Cup project proved an outstanding success.

    Hundreds of thousands of people who came to Doha to watch the World Cup benefited from awareness-raising activities and campaigns that addressed issues like nutrition, mental health, tobacco and physical activity. This will all help to ensure that the impact of sports extends beyond the


  • Side event: innovative approaches for preventing and controlling dengue and other ...
    15 October 2024

    15 October 2024, Doha, Qatar – The incidence of vector-borne diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean Region has increased significantly in the past decade. Factors include climate change, expanding and unplanned urbanization, international travel and population movement, weakened health systems in countries facing emergencies and other crises, chronic underinvestment in vector control capacity and growing resistance to insecticides.

    Since 1 January 2023 till present, 12 countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region have reported dengue outbreaks – up from 3 countries in 2017 – making dengue fever the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne disease. The Region has also witnessed an increasing burden of malaria in recent years, with Pakistan reporting major malaria outbreaks in 2022 and 2023.

    In 2023, WHO announced a multi-regional grade 3 emergency for dengue, underlining the urgent need for innovative vector control strategies as part of an integrated vector management approach. Member States are urged to focus on building/strengthening an integrated multisectoral approach to tackle the burden of vector borne diseases.

    There has been a global upsurge in dengue transmission. Since early 2023, the number and size of outbreaks has increased along with geographic spread as invasive dengue vectors, most notably the Aedes aegypti mosquito, move to areas previously free of dengue.

    As part of a holistic approach to addressing the growing threat of vector-borne diseases, Member States are encouraged


  • Member States redouble commitments for a lasting polio-free world at RC71
    15 October 2024

    15 October 2024 –The 12th meeting of the Regional Subcommittee for Polio Eradication and Outbreaks was held during the 71st session of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region’s Regional Committee, marking another crucial step in the region’s pursuit of a polio-free future. The session witnessed robust participation, with a high number of interventions from Member States and members of the Regional Subcommittee, each highlighting their individual and collective efforts to eradicate polio and ensure its lasting elimination.

    During the session, participants acknowledged that while significant progress has been made in the fight against polio, several persistent challenges continue to impede the goal of eradication. Inaccessibility, extensive population movements, suboptimal campaign quality in certain areas, community fatigue, and the ever-present threat of insecurity and conflict remain major obstacles. These issues have prevented health workers from reaching every child with life-saving vaccines, particularly in conflict-affected and hard-to-reach areas across the Region.

    In a statement delivered on behalf of the co-chair of the Regional Subcommittee on Polio Eradication and Outbreaks and Chair of the polio session Dr Hanan Al-Kuwari, a delegate from Qatar noted that despite the setbacks, the programmes in Afghanistan and Pakistan have shown resilience, continuously adapting and responding


  • The 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean opens in Doha
    14 October 2024

    14 October 2024, Doha, Qatar – The 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (RC71) opened this morning in Doha, Qatar. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who joined virtually, and WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Hanan Balkhy inaugurated the event alongside H.E. the Minister of Public Health of Qatar Dr Hanan Al-Kuwari and H.E. the Minister of Health and Human Services of Somalia Dr Ali Haji Abubakar, who chaired the previous Regional Committee session.

    High-level officials from the 22 countries and territories of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region attend the Regional Committee alongside representatives from international, regional and national organizations. This year’s session, Dr Balkhy’s first as Regional Director, is being held under the banner Health Beyond Borders.

    During the first session, Dr Hanan Al-Kuwari was elected Chair of RC71, and the ministers of health of Djibouti and the Islamic Republic of Iran were elected Vice Chairs.

    In her opening remarks, Dr Al-Kuwari said: “In several countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, conflicts, epidemics and political unrest have weakened health services, requiring responsibility, solidarity and equity to improve the lives of all people. We have learned from pandemics and epidemics the importance of solidarity, and that protecting health requires global efforts that transcend national borders.

    “The State of Qatar firmly believes that investing


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